Ontario Place Video launched by ACOToronto and Old Toronto

AUTHOR: Catherine Nasmith/ Old Toronto You Tube

DATE: February 1, 2019

ACOToronto is delighted to have associated with Old Toronto to produce this short ten minute video on the history of Ontario Place.



Given the uncertain future of Ontario Place, ACO Toronto wanted to be sure that its important history was told in an engaging way. We hope that as many people as possible will share this with decision makers. It contains historic footage of concerts, childrens playing, Eb Zeidler speaking at our 2017 symposium, along with his drawings, and a short clip of Carolyn King speaking about the grand granite moccasin carving at the entrance to the newly opened Trillium Park. Enjoy, and don't be surprised if you are humming Ontariariario all day long.


February 1, 2019